Sunday, August 2, 2009

There went my sanity...

It’s official, my new Jaszy’s Jewelry website has been announced to the world, the press releases have gone out, out went an e-blast announcing a really great sale, and every social networking site I could think of has received notice. So is it any surprise that with all the releases went my sanity and sense of calm?

Surprisingly though, serenity returned to me at a time I least expected it to. I had a profound, and somewhat cerebral moment while chatting with a new friend over dinner. We were discussing our career choices, she is a freelance writer and an amazing playwright, of course what conversation regarding careers would be complete without the topic of stress. I was telling her how frustrated I felt that most people don’t consider just how much work goes into what I do. I started to explain to her that my jewelry is more than pretty little pieces coming together, but it’s also about educating people and about sharing. You see, I feel a need to help people understand that we can be more responsible in our fashion choices. This does not require a complete wardrobe overhaul, but a "green friendly" piece here and there does make a difference.

And far I am not the most talented jewelry designer. The web, Etsy and others are jam packed with skilled and talented artists, and like them I tell a story with my jewelry designs. The colors speak to me, the colors dictate how they should come together. I am incapable of sketching before I make a piece; I can barely draw a straight line to say the least. I never really know what the finished piece will look like until it’s complete, it’s a very organic process. Often a silhouette wafts through my mind as the colors of a palette dance in rhythm with its movement. The natural world, be it the bloom of a hibiscus flower or a place I’ve visited like the bluest depths of Trunk Bay in St. Thomas, or the essence of a friend, or a state of being…all these things inspire my designs.

You see, amidst the stress I remembered why I design jewelry, why I often stay up until the very wee hours of the morning dancing in the rhythm of design, it is because I am passionate about the process…research, education, design, inventory, web master or any one of the many hats I wear…I absolutely love making jewelry!

Update: This article was published at, click here to view.

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Unknown said...

I too, as a jewelry artist, do not use sketches ahead of time. My jewelry grows from my hands. Sometimes I have to trim a branch but it's a creation process. And often I'm inspired by others, whether it be a fellow artist on the web, a magazine, or a newsletter. I especially love to work around a found shell or old jewelry components worked into a new design. Thanks for sharing your website.

Jaszy said...

Thank you Mary!!